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        Hornby Playtrains R9360M Playtrains High Speed Train Set

        PLAYTRAINS HIGH SPEED TRAIN SET Start an exciting model railway journey with Hornby, perfect for young train enthusiasts aged 5+.  Light, Sounds, Action! Enjoy working lights, horn and platform sounds for...

        Hornby Playtrains Track Extension Pack 4

        Build and expand the Playtrains world and layout with Track Extension Pack 4. This set contains eight pieces of bright and colourful track to enhance your Playtrains railway set. Order direct from...

        Hornby Playtrains Track Extension Pack 3

        Build and expand the Playtrains world and layout with Track Extension Pack 3. This set contains eight pieces of bright and colourful track to enhance your Playtrains railway set. Order direct...

        Hornby Playtrains Track Extension Pack 2

         Build and expand the Playtrains world and layout with Track Extension Pack 2. This set contains six pieces of bright and colourful track to enhance your Playtrains railway set. Order direct...

        Hornby Playtrains Track Extension Pack 1

        Build and expand the Playtrains world and layout with Track Extension Pack 1. This set contains five pieces of bright and colourful track to enhance your Playtrains railway set. Order direct...

        Hornby Playtrains Solo Controller

        Control any of the Playtrains locomotives using this remote control. Using the A/B switch underneath the controller, simply ensure that the train being run matches and then off you go! The...

        Hornby Playtrains Express Goods 2 x Open Wagon Pack

        Expand the Playtrains world with extra rolling stock including this bright and bold open wagon pack. With each set containing 2 wagons, attach to one of the train sets for even more Playtrains...

        Hornby Playtrains Express Goods 2 x Closed Wagon Pack

        Expand the Playtrains world with extra track and rolling stock, including this bright and bold coach pack. With each pack containing two coaches, why not attach to our very own 'Thunder Express Goods...

        Hornby Playtrains Local Express 2 x Coach Pack

        Expand the Playtrains world with extra track and rolling stock, including this bright and bold coach pack. With each pack containing two coaches, why not attach to our very own 'Flash the local express...

        Hornby Playtrains Thunder Express Goods Battery Operated Train Pack

        Start an exciting model railway journey with 'Thunder'. All run on a remote control system, this brand new toy train pack includes Thunder the train, including one closed wagon. The train...