Aegis is a powerful, intelligent integration of DCC concepts expertise with the versatility of Cobalt Alpha and the wireless abilities of ESP to provide you the perfect upgrade for your PowerCab system, so it grows with you!
Key features – you love your PowerCab, but what does Aegis give you that PowerCab doesn’t?
– Go wireless with your PowerCab! True freedom to move anywhere around your layout, whilst still retaining your favourite PowerCab handset! No glass screens, no WiFi passwords!
– Upgrade to 5 Amps! Run more trains with more sounds and more lights with a massive power boost courtesy of the included 5A power supply!
– Choose track voltage – choice of 14V, 15V, 17V or 18V DCC output! Suitable for every gauge of model railway!
– Seperate programming track output! Use your PowerCab on your programming track without additional switches or changing cabling. Just press a button!
– Overload protection! Protect your PowerCab and your expensive decoders with built-in short and overload protection – all with an easy reset button!