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        DCC ConceptsLegacy Models PowerPoint Baseboard Dowels (2-pack)

        Legacy PowerPoint Baseboard Dowels (2 Pack) 2 pairs of precision baseboard alignment dowels. These are the BEST alignment dowels ever offered – now with POWER BUS CONNECTIVITY! Easier to install accurately...

        DCC Concepts Legacy Models PowerPoint Baseboard Dowels (4-pack)

        Legacy Power PointBaseboard Dowels (4 Pack) 4 pairs of precision baseboard alignment dowels. These are the BEST alignment dowels ever offered – now with POWER BUS CONNECTIVITY! Easier to install accurately...

        £37.95 £32.95 Add to cartAdd to cart

        DCC Concepts Legacy Models PowerPoint Baseboard Dowels (4-pack) (x5) (20pairs)

        Legacy Power PointBaseboard Dowels (4 Pack) 4 pairs of precision baseboard alignment dowels. These are the BEST alignment dowels ever offered – now with POWER BUS CONNECTIVITY! Easier to install accurately...

        £189.75 £142.50 Add to cartAdd to cart

        DCC Concepts Legacy Models PowerPoint Baseboard Dowels (4-pack) (x10) (40 pairs)

        Legacy Power PointBaseboard Dowels (4 Pack) 4 pairs of precision baseboard alignment dowels. These are the BEST alignment dowels ever offered – now with POWER BUS CONNECTIVITY! Easier to install accurately...

        £379.50 £265.65 Add to cartAdd to cart

        DCC Concepts Bus Terminal Tags (25 Pack)

        Bus Terminal Tags (25 Pack) Pack of 25 ‘DCC-Tags’. There is no easier way to mount and secure the power bus (With ZERO need for cutting) than with these tags. Left...

        DCC Concepts Bus Spike Suppressors & Terminators (2 Pack)

        Two pack. Replacement for DCC-BT2. More a “DCC power management and control” device than a “Bus Terminator”, the BSS.2 has several significant benefits for DCC users, irrespective of layout size. DCC...

        DCC Concepts 3-Wire RGB Ribbon (5m)

        3-Wire RGB Ribbon (5m) A 5 metre length of 3-wire ribbon cable for interconnection of all 3-wire switching including Cobalt Alpha (red/green/black) . Each wire is equivalent to 16x 0.2 and...

        £9.95 £5.95 Add to cartAdd to cart

        DCC Concepts TWIN Wire Decoder Stranded 6m (32g) Assorted Pack

        Wire Decoder Stranded (32g) Twin Set – 6m of Each. 6 metres of twinned each of our stranded 32 gauge decoder wire – When it comes to installations, tidiness matters, especially...

        DCC Concepts Wire Decoder Stranded 6m (32g) Assorted Pack

        Wire Decoder Stranded 6m (32g) Assorted Pack Exclusive to DCCconcepts, this pack now includes all 11 “standards defined” decoder wire colours including Pink! Each is 6 metres long. With Pink now...

        £29.95 £19.95 Add to cartAdd to cart

        DCC Concepts Alpha Switch RGB Extension Wire

        10 metre pack of Alpha Switch Extension Wire – Supplied with heat shrink, this will give those who like to solder an economical way to extend Alpha Switch connections. Use with...