Hornby Playtrains Track Extension Pack 3


Build and expand the Playtrains world and layout with Track Extension Pack 3. This set contains eight pieces of bright and colourful track to enhance your Playtrains railway set. Order direct...

Build and expand the Playtrains world and layout with Track Extension Pack 3. This set contains eight pieces of bright and colourful track to enhance your Playtrains railway set. Order direct from Hornby today!

The Playtrains journey – where to start?

Start off with Flash The Local Express Train Set, which includes everything required to create an initial Playtrains model railway layout
Build up the Playtrains collections with Bolt and Thunder – the two diesel Train Packs (track not included)
Expand the layout, using the track diagram on the trackmat – there are x4 different Track Extension Packs available
It’s time to add more rolling stock to run on the expanded track – there are x3 different Coach and Wagon Packs available
The solo controller can be used (in addition to the controller in the Train Set) so that the other trains can be easily run at the same time
Enjoy the journey and #LetsPlaytrains
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