Showing 11233–11244 of 11385 results

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        Metcalfe N Gauge PN170 Low Relief Cinema And Two Shops

        Cinema frontage with a selection of film signs, posters and shop window displays from different eras.

        Metcalfe N gauge PN167 Town End Cottage

        A quintessential medieval stone cottage based on the village of Lacock, Wiltshire famed for its appearances in many TV shows and films Kit includes detailed laser cut bay and dormer windows, with full colour...

        Metcalfe N Gauge PN159 Crofter's Cottage

        This tiny little rural cottage has an optional adjoining barn that can be converted for more living space. The kit includes an extension and a porch, and parts to have the...

        Metcalfe N Gauge PN158 Gardener's Cottage

        A quaint village cottage with laser cut detailing perfect for any rural scene. Kit includes three optional extensions to customise the main cottage.

        Metcalfe N Gauge PN157 Grange House

        A beautifully proportioned country home. Ideal for rural and village style scenes.

        Metcalfe N gauge PN155 Workers Cottages

        Based on the Settle Carlisle Railway Workers Cottages, this design lends itself to many uses be it railway, agricultural or industrial. It also looks good along side our PN154 Village Shop...

        Metcalfe N gauge PN154 Village Shop & Cafe

        Every village needs a shop!Comes with different authentic posters and ‘Cardale Village Stores’ sign.

        Metcalfe N gauge PN153 Village School

        A great addition to any village or town, going back to school is a must addition for any layout. Comes with a choice of laser cut gates.

        Metcalfe N Gauge PN150 Manor Farm

        A stone built farm house and farm workers cottage plus matching stone barn and tractor shed

        Metcalfe N gauge PN149 Tapered Retaining Wall In Stone

        A pair of matching realistic sloping walls with recessed angled sections taking you from a low level up to the height of the PN144 retaining walls. Designed to fit either end...

        Metcalfe N Gauge PN147 Railway Bridge In Stone

        A beautifully detailed bridge with the option to make the top side single or double track Designed to stand with our retaining walls (PN144) and tapered walls (PN149) The stonework matches...

        Metcalfe N Gauge PN146 Railway Bridge In Red Brick

        A beautifully detailed bridge with the option to make the top side single or double track. Designed to stand with our retaining walls (PN145) and tapered walls (PN148)